Detailed description
Humminbird PIRANHA MAX 4 Fishfinder with Transducer
The piranha max 4 probe has a much sharper image. With a modern design and a full color 4.3 '' LCD screen, the New PiranhaMAX 4 will give you a new perspective on what's under your boat thanks to a redesigned and even easier to use interface, the new way to access Fish ID, fish alarms, depth alarms and zooming has never been so simple.
Characteristic to feature, this incorporates a technological boom that no other probe in its class can match.
● Screen Size: 4.3 ''
● Resolution: 480 V x 272 H
● Unit size: 3.9 '' W x 6.8 '' H x 3.6 '' Pro
● Screen Colors: 256 colors
● Probing: Double Frequency
200 kHz / 28º @ -10 dB
455 kHz / 16º @ -10 dB
● White Separation: 2.5 ''
● RMS Power Output: 300 W.
● PTP Power Output: 2,400 W.
● Depth Range: 183 m.